Access via the UTL
Freely accessible online collections
Newspapers that focus on specific areas of studies:
★ Also check the Historical Canadian Newspapers Online guide, offered by Bowling Green State University Library, Ohio.
☆ Canada's Traditional News Media Sector is in Crisis ☆
A team of Toronto Metropolitan University and University of British Columbia researchers have started tracking "what is happening to local newspapers, broadcast outlets and online/digital news sources in communities across Canada" since 2008, using "the Local News Map" that consists of cloud-sourced data. Their Local News Research Project reports the serious issue that the news industry is facing. For example, their report on December 3, 2024 notes:
Freely accessible online collections
Freely accessible online collections
Hudson's Bay
Other Topics
★ Microfilms in the UTM Library
"While the amount of online content continues to grow, newspapers on 35mm microfilm remain a viable strategy for the preservation of print newspapers" ("Microforms in Libraries and Archives" by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, a division of the American Library Association).
There are microfilms on the ground floor of the UTM Library. Before you use it, please read the guide below:
★ Digitized Newspapers by the UTML Archives & Special Collections