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Family Care Office Resource Centre

Separation and Divorce

The Family Care Office hosts workshops throughout the year on separation and divorce, co-parenting after separation and has books about these topics in our library


Additional Resources

CLEO Resources (Community Legal Education Ontario)

CLEO has developed clear, accurate, and practical legal rights education and information to help people understand their legal rights. Their work focuses on providing information to people who face barriers to accessing the justice system, including income, disability, literacy, and language. You can browse all their resources on their Resources and Publications page. 


FLEW Resources (Family Law Education for Women)

FLEW is a public legal education project funded by the Government of Ontario and Law Foundation of Ontario to assist women in understanding their family law rights. Their resources are available in 13 different languages.


Separation & Divorce Guides

  • Family Law: Ministry of the Attorney General: Includes general information from the Government of Ontario on family law and courts, as well as links to legislation and forms.
  • Family Service Toronto: Families in Transition (FIT) supports the well-being of children who are experiencing significant change brought on by the separation/divorce of parents. Family Service Toronto's services are available to everyone who lives or works in Toronto.
  • Finding and selecting an appropriate mediator: Family mediators come from different professional backgrounds. They may be lawyers, social workers, psychologists, or financial professionals, like accountants. This guide from the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General helps individuals select someone who has the right skills for the issues in their case.
  • A Kid's Guide to Separation and Divorce: This website from Families Change provides age-appropriate information to help kids, teens and parents deal with a family breakup.
  • Mental health during separation and divorce: If you or someone you know is going through a separation or divorce, this pamphlet from CAMH will hopefully help you understand and cope with your range of emotions during this difficult period of adjustment.
  • A Parent's Guide to Separation and Divorce: This information from Families Change helps parents guide their children through separation and divorce and calculate a child support amount to cover the costs of raising their children.
  • What are my rights if I get separated or divorced?: answers questions about economic support, property, and Canadian Pension Plan contributions following a separation or divorce.
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