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Family Care Office Resource Centre

Child Care

The Family Care Office offers a series of workshops related to child care including Choosing Child Care that Works for Your Family, applying for subsidies, and preparing for early years child care.


Refer to the Family Care Office website for information about child care, including: 


This supplemental information provides information about:  


Additional Information on Choosing Child Care

In Ontario, child care centres are licensed by the Ministry of Education and staffed by qualified Early Childhood Educators who are regulated by the College of Early Childhood Educators 


Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care program 

When looking for child care, ask if the center has opted in for the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) program. CWELCC is aimed at reducing child care fees, parents do not have to apply to be part of the program, but not every child care center participates in the program so it is important to ask.  


Child Care subsidies 

Regional offices in Ontario offer child care fee subsidies to help families with the costs of child care. You must live in the region you apply to for subsidy. Consider applying as soon as possible as waitlists are long.  

If you live in the City of Toronto, use the fee calculator on the City of Toronto website to find out if you are eligible. Apply for a Child Care Subsidy in the City of Toronto. After you apply, you will be put on the waitlist for a child care fee subsidy. You must file your Canadian income tax return as soon as you are able. When the child care subsidy office contacts you, they will request a copy of the Notice of Assessment from your taxes. If you have recently arrived in Toronto as a new immigrant or international student, you can apply for child care subsidy prior to filing taxes. The Notice of Assessment requirement is waived until you can file taxes.  

Quick links if you live outside of the City of Toronto:   

Off-campus Child Care Centres 

These centres are not affiliated with the University and the Family Care Office does not endorse any of them. 


Off-campus Nursery Schools


Additional Before and After Care Options 

See our before and after care web page on our website. Some options to explore might include: 

  • The City of Toronto runs the After-school Recreation Care through Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation offering programming for 3,600 children living in Toronto. A maximum of 60 children per location is allowed with a ratio of 15 children to 1 care provider. 
  • Toronto District School Board has a directory which will help you find the appropriate program for your child. Use our child care finder to locate a program in your area. 
  • Toronto Catholic School Board offers recreational After-School Programs generally offered after school hours, between 3:30 and 6:00 p.m.; a morning component could be added if necessary. 
  • YMCA offers affordable programs available in various neighbourhoods throughout the Greater Toronto Area and provides financial help for those who qualify.


Nanny Services 

Looking for in-home services, such as a nanny? Explore the options listed on the Kids & Company web page, In-home Partner Services, for a variety of agencies that provide nanny services. A few other options are:  

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