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Research Guides

Jackman Humanities Institute - Scholars in Residence - 2023

A library guide supporting research projects included in the JHI SiR 2020 program.

Participation and Belonging: The Future of Leisure Time Music-Making and Sports in Canada - Supervisor: Prof. Roger Mantie

Project Description

This project seeks student RAs interested in the well-being aspects of leisure-time music and sports participation. We will be working on four interrelated projects: (1) a web ethnography to identify key stakeholders; (2) direct contact with leading organizations involved with education and promotion of music-making and sports; (3) a scoping review of development opportunities, motivational factors, and attitudes related to leisure-time music and sports participation; and (4) development of an Airtable database of key resources. Members of the team may also collaborate with a similar student research team at the University of Sheffield to generate cross-national comparisons on leisure-time organizations and opportunities.

Relevant Databases for Music

Databases relevant for Psychology/Motivation/Wellness

Knowledge Synthesis

What is a Scoping Review?

According to Colquhoun et al. (2014), a scoping study can be defined as: "a form of knowledge synthesis, which incorporate a range of study designs to comprehensively summarize and synthesize evidence with the aim of informing practice, programs, and policy and providing direction to future research priorities" (p. 1291).

Systematic & Scoping Review Collaboration (SSRC) - Gerstein Libraries 

Knowledge syntheses: Systematic & Scoping Reviews, and other review types - Library Guide - Gerstein

What is Grey Literature?

Grey literature is any literature that has not been published through traditional (commercial, for-profit) means. It is commonly produced by governmental or inter-governmental agencies, research institutes, professional associations, think tanks, not-for-profit organizations, and businesses.

Grey literature documents are often produced to report on activities, for the organization's records or for wider distribution. Grey literature often has an "on the ground" perspective, and since it bypasses the delays of commercial or academic publishing, it can be more current than literature in scholarly sources. 

Examples of grey literature include:

  • Government documents
  • Reports
  • Statistics and data
  • Policy documents
  • Working papers or white papers
  • Conference proceedings
  • Dissertations and theses

Because grey literature is not controlled by commercial publishing, it is often excluded from large databases or other mainstream sources. To find it, you will need to explore a variety of non-traditional sources, like document collections, websites, or portals, to ensure a comprehensive search.

Grey Literature Tutorial