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Digital Pedagogy - A Guide for Librarians, Faculty, and Students

This guide is meant to inform the user about Digital Pedagogy. It includes information on educational theory, a collection of case studies, and resources relevant to the study of digital pedagogy.

Makerspaces - Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Make Magazine

Maker Media is a global platform for connecting Makers with each other, with products and services, and with our partners. Through media, events and ecommerce, Maker Media serves a growing community of Makers who bring a DIY mindset to technology. Whether as hobbyists or professionals, Makers are creative, resourceful and curious, developing projects that demonstrate how they can interact with the world around them. The launch of Make: magazine in 2005, followed by Maker Faire in 2006, jumpstarted a worldwide Maker Movement, which is transforming innovation, culture and education.



MakerBridge is a community that welcomes all makers but is focused especially on librarians, teachers, and other educators. They help people find answers and advice as they set out to create a makerspace, run activities, or maintain their makerspace. Consists of librarians who specialize in connecting other librarians to the maker community.


TED Talk: Neil Gershenfeld

MIT professor Neil Gershenfeld talks about his Fab Lab — a low-cost lab that lets people build things they need using digital and analog tools. It's a simple idea with powerful results.


American Libraries Special Issue on Makerspaces in Libraries - Jan/Feb 2013


Three Part Article in Library Journal (focuses largely on public libraries):

The Case for a Campus Makerspace (Educause)

What will the college campus of the future look like? How will technology change how we teach and learn at universities? When we attempt to answer those questions, we often emphasize the impact of the digital and the virtual. But new technologies offer ways for us to rethink our offline physical learning spaces, not just our online ones. Growing out of the recent revival in hobbyist "hacking" (both hardware and software), Makerspaces have become interesting community learning places where people can play, make, and hack together in areas like 3D printers, electronic textiles, robotics, programming, and design. As we consider the future of the college campus, can we make room for Makerspaces?

Digital designs for Physical Objects

This website offers over 519,000 designs that can be used with 3D printers. This website is helpful when designing optional projects for a makerspace. It has over 800,000 members who both contribute and remix designs.