Since November 2009, all graduate students at the University of Toronto are required to submit their theses and dissertations in electronic format.
Theses can be temporarily embargoed / restricted of access by submitting an embargo request to School of Graduate Studies or Toronto School of Theology respectively. For more details, see the instructions on the SGS website or TST website or contact the respective school directly.
For tips and resources on finding U of T theses and dissertations, see the frequently asked questions page.
New thesis submissions usually become available in TSpace approximately five to six weeks following your convocation unless you chose to restrict access. If it has been longer than that and your thesis still does not appear, please contact the TSpace team with the following information to help us investigate:
For questions on thesis preparation, submissions, or embargo contact:
University of Toronto Libraries
130 St. George St.,Toronto, ON, M5S 1A5
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