We are working continuously to improve the accessibility of TSpace.
Starting in 2020, submitting accessible files became a requirement as part of our Content Guidelines and applies in all cases where the submitter has authority and control over the files. We have also incorporated an accessibility check and remediation process into our Assisted Deposit Service.
Unfortunately, older materials in TSpace may have been created in ways that make them incompatible with screen readers and other assistive technology. If any content in TSpace poses an accessibility challenge to you, please email tspace@library.utoronto.ca, and we will work to provide a suitable alternate format. As an additional layer of support, library users with borrowing privileges may also be eligible for further alternate format services provided by the Library Accessibility Office.
Files submitted to TSpace should be made accessible in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) when practicable. Examples of not practicable situations may include materials formatted by the publisher or files you have no authority or control over.
In situations where you are able to make modifications, please consult the following WebAim tutorials to make your files accessible.
For PDFs, it is preferable and easier to modify the source document in Word or PowerPoint before converting it to PDF. If you need assistance with making your document accessible, please contact us at tspace@library.utoronto.ca.
University of Toronto Libraries
130 St. George St.,Toronto, ON, M5S 1A5
About web accessibility. Tell us about a web accessibility problem.
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