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Research Guides

Canadian government information

A guide to resources available to the University of Toronto community for Canadian government information.

Research note

Québec is one of Canada's four original provinces, having joined Confederation on July 1, 1867.

Until 1968 Québec had two Houses, the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly.

The former was abolished and the latter was maintained, but renamed the National Assembly.

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec




  • See debates: from 1964-1984, the assembly published committee debates with debates

Robarts houses a range of documents relating to past and present committees in the Legislative Assembly of Quebec. 

  • Each committee is assigned its own CODOC number, beginning with CA2PQXC
  • This breaks down as:
    • CA for Canada
    • 2 for provincial government
    • PQ for Québec
    • XC for legislative committees

To search for a list of committees, use CA2PQXC.. as your catalogue number like so:

  • Note: you must include the periods and spaces, and select call number from the drop down menu
  • After you hit search, limit your search to Robarts (and then to Government Pubs) to ensure you're working with the correct resources:

You'll know you've got the right resources because they will say committee/commission in the title:


Sessional Papers

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