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Researrrrch Guides

Canadian government information

A guide to resources available to the University of Toronto community for Canadian government information.


Standing committees exist for the duration of a Parliament. Select committees exist for a limited time to study a particular issue. Standing and Select Committee debates are published separately from October 1990+

Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Standing Committee Hansard before October 1990:

  • Standing Committee Hansard for debates on estimates before 1990 (34/1) was published with House Hansard, either within House Hansard or accompanying it
  • Standing Committee Hansard for debates on matters other than estimates (e.g. bills) was produced in draft form for each committee from 1978 to October 1990 (it is available to the public at the Archives of Ontario). Very occasionally, it was also published with House Hansard
  • Little of the Standing Committee Hansard was produced before 1978; what exists is available at the Archives of Ontario.
  • Standing Committee Hansard indexes were published annually for the years 1989, 1990 and 1991/92, and have been published for each session thereafter (one index covers all Standing Committees)

Standing Committee Reports, 1980 - 2003  (Internet Archive)

Select Committee Hansard before October 1990:

  • Hansard for many Select Committees was produced in draft form only (it is available to the public at the Archives of Ontario)

Robarts' collection of Committee documents

Online (Internet Archive)

Robarts houses a range of documents relating to past and present committees in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.  Each committee is assigned its own CODOC number, beginning with CA2ONXC.  This breaks down as:

  • CA for Canada
  • 2 for provincial government
  • ON for Ontario
  • XC for legislative committees

To search for a list of committees, use CA2ONXC.. to search on LibrarySearch (Note: you must include the periods)

When the catalogue displays your results, you can limit your search to Robarts (and then to Government Pubs) to ensure you're working with the correct resources.



Green / White papers


Orders & notices

Orders in council

  • Some Orders in council are published in the Ontario Gazette,  but most must be obtained from the Office of Executive Council (416-325-7690, for 1982 to the present) or the Archives of Ontario (416-327-1600, for 1867 to 1981)


Votes & proceedings


Sessional Papers

Legislative Library of Ontario