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EndNote (Desktop version)

How to use a citation management program to organize your references and create in-text citations and bibliographies for your papers

Direct Export into EndNote

  1. Step 1- Search for your topic in one of the many Engineering Village databases (see below for a list of Engineering Village databases). The example shown here will be in Compendex.
  1. Step 2- Select your citations by checking off the boxes located to the left of each article in your search results.

  1. Step 3- Click the Download icon, which is an orange arrow located at the top of your search results webpage (if you mouse over the icon, "Download this record" will appear)

  1. Step 4- In the Download Records pop-up box, choose the following options -
    1. Step 4i- Under Location choose- My PC, by clicking the circle on the left side of the first option in the list
    2. Step 4ii- Under Format choose- EndNote (RIS, Reference Manager), by clicking the circle on the left side of the first option in the list

  1. Step 5- Click the blue Download record(s) button in the bottom right corner of the pop-up box.

  1. Step 6- In the Dialogue Box that appears, select the arrow on the right side of the Open with Other dropdown menu. Scroll through the dropdown and select Research Soft Direct Export Helper.

  1. Step 7- Once you have completed the above steps, your citations will be exported from the Engineering Village database, and will automatically be added to the Last Imported folder in EndNote.


Indirect Export into EndNote

Alternatively, you can save a copy of your chosen citations as a separate file before importing them into EndNote:

1) Find and Save Citations as an RIS File

  1. Step 1- Search your Topic in one of the many Engineering Village databases
  2. Step 2- Select your citations by following step 2 of the instructions for "Direct Export Into EndNote", which is listed in the previous section, above.

  1. Step 3- Click the Download icon, which is an orange arrow located at the top of your search results webpage (if you mouse over the icon, "Download this record" will appear)

  1. Step 4-In the Download Records pop-up box, choose the following options -
    1. Step 4i- Under Location choose- My PC, by clicking the circle on the left side of the first option in the list
    2. Step 4ii- Under Format choose- EndNote (RIS, Reference Manager), by clicking the circle on the left side of the first option in the list

  1. Step 5- At the bottom right corner of the pop-up box, click the blue Download record(s) button and save the .ris file to your computer.


2) Import Citations as RIS Files into EndNote

In your EndNote library, prepare to import the citations:

  1. Step 1-  Go to File in the top left hand corner of EndNote. Scroll down and click Import. Then click File, to open a file.

  1. Step 2- Browse for and select the Engineering_Village.ris file that you had previously saved on your computer according to the instructions in the "Find and Save Citations as a Text File" section above. A pop-up box called Import File will appear. 

  2. Step 3- In this pop-up box, select the arrow beside the Import Option dropdown. In this dropdown, scroll through and select Reference Manager (RIS)

  1. Step 4- Select the arrow for the dropdown beside Text Translation. Scroll down and choose Unicode UTF-8

  1. Step 5- Ensure sure you have: attached the .ris file of your references, changed Import Option to Reference Manager (RIS), and changed Text Translation to Unicode (UTF-8) by following steps 2 – 4 above

  1. Step 6- Click Import button at the bottom of the pop-up box.  Your references will appear in your Imported References folder, which is located in the left-hand side menu in EndNote X8.

Other Engineering Village Databases

  • Compendex
  • Geobase
  • GeoRef
  • Inspec

  • PaperChem
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