In your EndNote library, prepare to import the citations:
- Step 1- Go to File in the top left hand corner of EndNote. Scroll down and click Import. Then click File, to open a file.

- Step 2- Browse for and select pubmed_result.txt file you had just saved on your computer according to the instructions in the "Find and Save Citations as a Text File" section above. A pop-up box called Import File will appear.
- Step 3- In this pop-up box, select the arrow beside the Import Option dropdown. In this dropdown, scroll through and select PubMed (NLM)-- If not listed, may be listed under Other Filters

- Step 4- Select the arrow for the dropdown beside Text Translation. Scroll down and choose Unicode UTF-8

- Step 5- Ensure sure you have: attached the .txt file of your references, changed Import Option to Pubmed (NLM), and changed Text Translation to Unicode (UTF-8) by following steps 2 – 4 above

- Step 6- Click the Import button at the bottom of the pop-up box. Your references will be appear in the "Imported References" folder, which is located in the left-hand side menu in your EndNote library.