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Suggested call number ranges for browsing biotechnology books are as follows::
QD415-436 Biochemistry
QD476.2 Physical Biochemistry
QH345 General Biochemistry of plants and animals
QH442-442.6 Molecular genetics. Genetic engineering
QH573-671 Cytology
QK861-899 Botanical chemistry. Phytochemicals
QK981-QK981.7 Genetics
QP501-801 Animal biochemistry
RM300-666 Drugs and their actions
RS380 Pharmaceutical biotechnology
RS400-431 Pharmaceutical chemistry
S494.5 .B563 Agricultural biotechnology
SB106.B56 Plant Biotechnology
SB106.G46 Plant Genetics (General)
SB123.57 Genetic engineering. Transgenic plants
T201-342 Patents
TA164 Bioengineering
TP248.13-248.6 Biotechnology
Although most books on biotechnology will be concentrated in these sections, it is suggested that you also use the catalogue to search for books on your topic as well.