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Research Guides

Slavic and East European Resources

This guide includes annotated links to selected electronic resources, such as online library catalogues, archival guides, digital collections, dictionaries and encyclopedias, databases, e-journals, and search engines.

Petro Jacyk Central & East European Resource Centre


Research Guide

This guide includes annotated links to selected electronic resources, such as online library catalogues, archival guides, digital collections, dictionaries and encyclopedias, databases, e-journals, and search engines. The sources cover a wide range of disciplines in the areas of humanities and social sciences, and offer content in many Slavic, Baltic, Finno-Ugric, and Western European languages.

If you have a research topic in the Slavic and East European area, please also consult the guide Finding Slavic and East European Resources at UTL, which highlights ways to locate materials on your topic in the University of Toronto Libraries.

Please visit the web site of the Petro Jacyk Central and East European Resource Centre for additional information and resources in the field, or contact us at






Created and annotated by Nadia Zavorotna (2011); updated by Ksenya Kiebuzinski (2018) and Natalia Barykina (2020 and 2024).
















Editor, Slavic and East European Resources

Ksenya Kiebuzinski, PhD

Petro Jacyk Central & East European Resoure Centre

University of Toronto Libraries

416-978-1288 (M-W); 416-978-4826 (Th-F)

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