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Climate in Action Videos @ UTSC


U of T Libraries have a variety of documentaries on climate change. Stream one today and learn more about climate change!

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Indigenous Environmental Justice Project

The concept of environmental justice (or injustice) refers generally to the inequitable distribution of the costs and benefits of environmental degradation, such that people of colour and the poor tend to bear a significantly greater portion of the costs, while receiving relatively little in terms of any benefits.To date, research focused on Indigenous environmental justice (EJ) has not yet occurred in a substantive way in Canada. The Indigenous Environmental Justice Project, a 5-year SSHRC-funded initiative based out of York University, is working to fill this gap. Our research aims to develop a distinctive EJ framework that is informed by Indigenous knowledge systems, laws, concepts of justice and the lived experiences of Indigenous peoples ~ York University Indigenous Environmental Justice website.

Power to the People

Power to the People is a television documentary series exploring how Indigenous people, values and wisdom are guiding the way to a sustainable, clean energy future. In each episode you’ll visit an Indigenous community, explore the inspired energy initiatives they are developing, and see how they’re empowering themselves and their way of life.

UN Human Rights: Effects of climate change on Indigenous People 

PBS - Alaskans Native Elders Tell Their Climate Change Story ·

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