Library Search provides access to library collections in print and digital formats including books, articles, videos, maps, government documents, music, data sets, and more. You can also discover materials that are not available at U of T but that you can request for free through interlibrary loan.
Use Library Search when you want to find:
If you find it difficult to narrow your results, consider using a subject-specific database or see what is recommended in one of the many Research Guides.
Relevant Subject-Specific Databases for IRHR Students
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Library Search FAQ
Visit the U of T library's Library Catalogue FAQ for information on how to perform basic, advanced, and browse searches, how to use subject headings to search the catalogue, and how to refine your search, view record details, and mark records.
You can also visit the University of Toronto Libraries YouTube channel to view additional videos on how to use the catalogue. Below you will find four short videos from the UT Libraries YouTube channel that will help you find UTLibraries resources.
Get research help from anywhere! Visit the Ask a Librarian chat page and then click on the "Ask! Chat with a librarian" icon.
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