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Industrial Relations & Human Resources Library

A guide to resources available through the Industrial Relations/Human Resources Library and the University of Toronto Library System

IRHR Grey Literature Resources


Economics Resources

The Intelligent Economist's Annual Top 100 Economics Blogs

Selected Canadian Economics Blogs

Selected American Economics Blogs

Selected International Blogs

Law Blogs

Unlike journal articles, blogs are not subject to a peer-review process - this means students should be extra diligent in evaluating theses sources before using them in their research assignments. These blogs have been provided by the IRHR library as a sources for student research into labour law, but have not been vetted for academic quality. 

With this in mind, consider the 'CRAAP' test: 

  • Currency:  The timeliness of the information. 
  • Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.
  • Authority: The source of the information
  • Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.
  • Purpose: The reason the information exist

For more information and critical evaluation techniques, see the U of T Essential Research Skills Guide.

Law Firm Blog/Website Aggregators (registration required)

Law Blog Compilations

Labour Law Blogs

Think Tanks

Canadian Think Tanks

American Think Tanks

International Organizations

Universities Doing IR/HR Research

Government Agencies

IR/HR Websites

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