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Images and Visual Resource Collections

Online guide to image collections for faculty, researchers and students at the University of Toronto.

Images from the UT Licensed Collections

Canadian Rowers Win Bronze, World Games, Sept. 2011. Image: Copyright Reuters. Source: Associated Press in FACTIVA. Oct. 14, 2011.

Canadian Rowers, Sept. 2011, Win Bronze, World Games. Photo: Reuters. Digital Image: Associated Press, FACTIVA. Oct. 14, 2011.

Faculty and Students at UofT - Authorized Access Required

East Asian Library, Robarts Library at U of T subscribes to the Kikuzo II Visual for Libraries (Asahi newspaper online).  This database has the Asahi Shinbun Rekishi Shashin Akaibu (Asahi Newspaper Historical photographs archive). It is in Japanese. You can browse for photographs by category. As an example, here is a link to colonial rule in Manchuria. The permanent link to this resource is