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Research Guides

Foreign government information

A guide to major print and electronic foreign government information.

About foreign relations

The U.S. Constitution divides foreign policy powers between the President and the Congress.

The Department of State advises the President on foreign policy while the Senate advises and gives consent over treaties proposed and ambassadors appointed by the President.

Check Political Science: Major Political Science Databases for periodical indexes for political science.

The White House

U.S. Department of State


Other agencies and links

Civil war & world wars

Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS)

The Foreign Relations of The United States series, which begins in 1861, is the official record of major US foreign policy that have been declassified and published.

A 25 year time lag is required before declassification of these documents.

Documents are from

  • presidential libraries
  • National Security Council
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • Agency for International Development
  • other foreign affair agencies
  • private papers of individuals involved in formulating US foreign policy

Other declassified and confidential documents



North America, Latin America & Caribbean

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