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German Studies

A research guide to help you find relevant books and articles as well as databases and web portals in the field of German Studies.

Electronic Resources

Virtual Library of Spanish and Portuguese studies. Enables simultaneous research in German library catalogues as well as in digital fulltexts, resource guides, journals and bibliographies. English version available.

The International Bibliography of Periodical Literature is an international and interdisciplinary bibliography of academic periodical literature, mainly from the Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. A print version covers the years 1965-2001. The database currently lists more than 3.3 million journal articles from 11,500 journals covering the years 1983 ff. Every year some 120,000 entries are added. IBZ is updated monthly. It now includes abstracts. The database works with an assigned subject classification in English and German based on the German Personennormdatei (PND: name authority file) and Schlagwortnormdatei (SWD: controlled vocabulary). Thus, an easy and fast access to articles is ensured, irrespective of the language in which the original article was written.

The major database for world literature, covering all areas of modern literatures, languages, folklore, and linguistics. Coverage includes literature from all over the world. While the majority of records are from English-language publications, at least sixty other languages are represented including French, Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, Norwegian and Swedish. From 1921 to 1955, mostly U.S. publications are indexed. MLA includes over 4,400 periodicals (including peer-reviewed e-journals) and series and consists of over 1.6 million citations for articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations, essays, working papers, proceedings, bibliographies, and Web sites.

A comprehensive Internet Portal with scientific information on the field of Romance Studies.

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