The International Bibliography of Periodical Literature is an international and interdisciplinary bibliography of academic periodical literature, mainly from the Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. A print version covers the years 1965-2001. The database currently lists more than 3.3 million journal articles from 11,500 journals covering the years 1983 ff. Every year some 120,000 entries are added. IBZ is updated monthly. It now includes abstracts. The database works with an assigned subject classification in English and German based on the German Personennormdatei (PND: name authority file) and Schlagwortnormdatei (SWD: controlled vocabulary). Thus, an easy and fast access to articles is ensured, irrespective of the language in which the original article was written.
Covering international Festschriften (publications with essays celebrating an anniversary in the life of a well-known person or an institution), this database contains over 20,000 publications with 240,000 entries which have subject classification and 609,500 entries in the whole. The database covers 2011 to the present. Older volumes are available in print at the Robarts Library.