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German Studies

A research guide to help you find relevant books and articles as well as databases and web portals in the field of German Studies.


Annotated bibliography of drama, published or performed in the 18th century in German-speaking regions. Provides translations, adaptations and reviews.

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

A useful source for information about relatively unknown German theatre figures.

Contains more than 1,100 entries ranging from architecture to writers in Austria, Germany and Switzerland after 1945. In English.

Trilingual (English, French, German) dictionary of art terms.

A six-volume international dictionary of arts, containing more than 1000 signatures of painters, 1200 colored reproductions, 3000 black-and-white reproductions.

A twelve-volume international encyclopedia on painting, sculpture, architecture.

A standard international encyclopedia on architecture covering the most important architects, styles, epochs, countries and subject terms until the beginning of the 20th century.

Biographical Ressources

One of the most important biographical encyclopedias of artists from the classical period to modern times.

Cronological Continuation of the "Allgmeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart"

Electronic Resources

Virtual Library for Art History. This portal aims at a comprehensive record of arthistorical publications, be they in printed, hybrid or electronic form. English version available.

The International Bibliography of Periodical Literature is an international and interdisciplinary bibliography of academic periodical literature, mainly from the Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. A print version covers the years 1965-2001. The database currently lists more than 3.3 million journal articles from 11,500 journals covering the years 1983 ff. Every year some 120,000 entries are added. IBZ is updated monthly. It now includes abstracts. The database works with an assigned subject classification in English and German based on the German Personennormdatei (PND: name authority file) and Schlagwortnormdatei (SWD: controlled vocabulary). Thus, an easy and fast access to articles is ensured, irrespective of the language in which the original article was written.