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German Studies

A research guide to help you find relevant books and articles as well as databases and web portals in the field of German Studies.


One of the most important bibliographic databases for archaeology, classical philology and history. Covers publication years from 1925 until today. Contains bibliographic data from the journal “Gnomon,” as well as other journals, compilations, unpublished dissertations, etc. Updates are implemented monthly. The user interface is in German, but the thesaurus is also available in English. Furthermore, the complete database can be downloaded on an private PC or a local area network. Click here for further instruction

Contains a variety of research databases and subject catalogues from different institutions, useful for obtaining info about objects and literature of classical studies. Includes, for example, the subject catalogues of the German Archaeological Institute in Rome and the German Archaeological Institute in Madrid. Also contains the "Census of Antique Works of Art" and "Architecture Known to the Renaissance," with documents and illustrations. The Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance" and the "Corpus der antiken Denkmäler, die J.J. Winckelmann und seine Zeit kannten" are free available online. 

Electronic Resources

The Internet portal provides subject information across the entire spectrum of Classical Studies. A separate selection is offered for each of the following disciplines: Egyptology, Ancient History, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Byzantine Studies, Classical Archaeology, Classical Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Philology and Pre- and Early History. Propylaeum-Search allows a precise search within the selected catalogues and databases. English version is available. 


This multi-volume edition is the English version of Der Neue Pauly, a major German dictionary in the field of classical studies. The New Pauly recognizes the changes and developments in scholarship and the need for a contemporary approach to the study of the ancient world of Greece, Rome, and neighbouring regions. The encyclopedia follows the first edition, the Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, founded in 1893. Many articles of this encyclopedia are free available online.

Excellent one-volume encyclopedia of the ancient world.

This online available dictionary provides information about more than 2300 classical scriptures from the beginnings until the 6th century. It comprises not only literary texts but also philosophical and historical scriptures. 
This dictionary of early Greek literature covers mainly the vocabulary of Homer’s epic Iliad and Odyssey, as well as the work of Hesiod.


Combines biographical entries from approximately 100 reference works. Covers figures from as early as the 8th century BC. End point for the archive's coverage is between the 5th and 8th centuries AD: the transition to the Middle Ages in the West, and to the Byzantine era in the East.

Comprehensive dictionary of classical writers with information about more than 450 classical authors. Very useful.

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