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German Studies

A research guide to help you find relevant books and articles as well as databases and web portals in the field of German Studies.

Online Library Glossaries

This glossary contains about 90,000 technical terms and abbreviations about libraries, books and data processing. It is intended to be a resource for librarians and other users. 

This Glossary comprises technical terms about libraries, books, data processing and readers services. It is devided in two parts: Vocabulary in general as well as dialog patterns.

Bilingual Dictionaries

Based on the highly acclaimed Oxford-Duden German Dictionary, recommended by academics, professionals, and students across the world, this dictionary provides learners at intermediate level with an authoritative guide to German and English in a concise and easy-access format. A German-English Version is also available.  
A free available bilingual dictionary.   
A free available bilingual dictionary.  
A free available bilingual dictionary.  

German Language Dictionaries

A major German language multi-volume dictionary.

Single-volume German language dictionary.

Major multi-volume comprehensive German language dictionary.

German slang dictionary.

Historical German Dictionaries

German-language dictionary of German vocabulary used between 750 and 1050.

One of the most important German language dictionaries within the German history of science. Created in the 19th century by the German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Many illustrations of word usage and history. Free available online. There is also a printed version.

German language dictionary of words used between the 14th and 17th centuries.


In 2011 "Duden online", a free platform that comprises contents from different Duden dictionaries, was established. Besides looking for spelling it is possible to check text blocks for correct orthography and grammar. To do this, click on “Text überprüfen”, delete the pattern text, enter your text and then click on “Text korrigieren”. Orthograpic mistakes will be marked red, grammar mistakes will be presented in green color. Robarts Library has also a print version of the Duden.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and usage.

German language dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.


Multi-lingual encyclopedia of designations, abbreviations and acronyms of German institutions. Includes indexes. English, French, German and Spanish.

International title abbreviations of periodicals, newspapers, important handbooks, dictionaries, laws, institutions etc.

Dictionary of international abbreviations, environment and natural science. Available in German and English.

Picture Dictionaries

A comprehensive picture dictionary, sorted by 17 major themes.

Another picture dictionary.


Standard German dictionary of etymology.

Another etymological dictionary.

Terms and Phrases

German language multi-volume dictionary referring to terms and phrases. Includes bibliographical references.

Signs and Symbols

German encyclopedia of signs and symbols.


Dictionary of German idioms.

Another standard dictionary of German idioms.

German-English Library Glossary

Electronic German reference resources rarely provide English language search fields. The following German-English translations for some of the most common search terms can therefore help you search more effectively. For further suggestions, please consult the free online bilingual Library Glossary.


Abkürzung: Abbreviation
Alle Felder: All Fields
Alle Wörter: All Of These Words
Aufl. / Auflage: Impression
Ausgabe: Edition
Autor: Author


Band: Volume
Bibliothek: Library
Blättern: Browse
Buch: Book
Buchhandel: Book Trade


Datenbank: Database
Deutsch: German


Ergebnis: Result
Erscheinungsjahr: Publication Year
Erweiterte Suche: Advanced Search
Exakter Ausdruck: Precise Expression


Fach/Fächer: Subject(s)


Graue Literatur: Grey Literatur / Pamphlets


Jahr: Year


Katalog: Catalogue
Körperschaft: Corporate Body
Kongress: Conference


Lexikon: Encyclopedia
Löschen: Delet


Monographie: Monograph


Neu: New


Oder: Or
Ort: Place of Publication/Printing Place


Personenschlagwort: Personal Heading


Recherche: Search


Sachgruppe: Subject Heading / Notation
Sammlung: Collection
Schlagwort: Keyword
Schnellsuche: Basic Search
Schriftenreihe: Series
Sigel: Library Institution Code
Signatur: Call Number
Stichwort: Keyword
Suche: Search


Titel : Title
Titelanfang: Initial Title Element
Trunkierung: Truncation


Und: And
Unveröffentlicht: Unpublished


Verfasser: Author
Verlag: Publisher
Verweisung: Reference


Werk: Work
Wiegendruck: Incunabula
Wörterbuch: Dictionary / Encyclopedia


Zeitschrift: Journal / Periodical