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MUS210: Music in Film

This guide supports the research components of MUS210: Music in Film.

Sign In to LibrarySearch

To improve your search experience, increase the number of results, and gain access to advanced features and item retrieval options, always log in by clicking My Account on the library landing page:

My account button underlined in green.

Or click the Sign In button at the top right of the LibrarySearch interface:

Sign in option underlined in green.

If you choose not to sign in at the beginning of your session, you can always click on the sign in prompt that appears above your search results:

Location of sign in prompt above search results.

Once you have signed in to LibrarySearch you can: 

  • Update your profile to be sure you will receive important library notifications
  • Check due dates, request item retrieval for pick-up, place holds, review item requests, and pay fines
  • Renew your borrowed items 
  • Email records to yourself
  • View the search history of your current session 
  • Saved your searches, search results, and citations
  • Create alerts to keep up to date on new publications

Please note: LibrarySearch login times out after 30 minutes of inactivity, automatically signing you out and resetting itself to the default search page.

Search Library Collections

LibrarySearch (Advanced Search)

IMPORTANT - To improve your search experience and gain access to advanced features, always begin by clicking the "SIGN IN" button pictured below (e.g., access eResources, request items).

Sign in button locatedin top right corner

Learn about UofT LibrarySearch interface


Finding Books in LibrarySearch


Finding Journals or Articles in LibrarySearch



Search for Books using Subject Headings

Subject headings are similar to tags or hashtags. They describe the topic of an item in a database, but unlike tags they come from an official, standardized set of terms and are assigned by cataloguing experts.

Use subject headings

  1. Click on the UTL Catalogue Advanced Search link below
  2. Enter any of the subject headings listed below (exactly as it appears) in the Search Box
  3. Change the dropdown menu from Anywhere to Subject
  4. Limit your search results to eResources by clicking the Online checkbox

UTL Catalogue Advanced Search 

concert films

film soundtracks

film composers

filmed musicals

jazz in motion pictures

motion picture music

motion pictures and music

motion pictures and opera

motion pictures sound effects

musical films

musicals opera in motion pictures

operas film adaptations

popular music in motion pictures

rock films

silent film music

sound in motion pictures

sound motion pictures

sound recording and reproducing

voice in motion pictures

Narrow Search Results to Online Resources

To narrow your search results to online resources (e.g., eBooks, eJournals, article databases, streamable video / audio):

  1. Enter your search terms
  2. Click on the Search Button (magnifying glass)
  3. On the Search Result page, under Filter your Results on the left side of the screen, locate Show Only heading and click the Online check box (you can also select other filters, including Format - Book, Book Chapters, Articles) 
  4. Click on APPLY FILTERS button at the bottom of screen

screen shot of the Library search page, highlighted items found in the numbered list above this image