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MUS210: Music in Film

This guide supports the research components of MUS210: Music in Film.


MUS210: Music in Film

Researching Music in Film

This guide contains a short, curated list of some of the resources most directly relevant to your subject area and available online through the University of Toronto Libraries. On the left you are able to navigate through these different resources.

You are welcome to reach out to the Music Library and get research help to explore your topic more in depth. You can get reference help at the front desk Monday-Friday 10 am to 4 pm. You're also welcome to make an appointment with me using the contact information on this page.

Researching Cinema Studies and Accessing Films

How to Get Help

You are able to use both the Media Commons and Innis College Library as resources for the class to provide support for access to films and cinema studies research. Staff are happy to help via e-mail, phone, and meetings.

Please contact the Cinema Studies Librarian, Kate Johnson

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