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Research Guides


A guide to resources and tools for chemistry research.

Open Textbook Resources

Students benefit from being able to use a free online book rather than pay $150-200 for a heavy print version. You can use parts of a number of books instead of a print version of one book.
Open access textbooks and other course materials are available for free to be used, adapted and redistributed. Open Educational Resources (OERs) relevant to Chemistry can be found at the websites below:


The Merlot Repository contains books as well as videos of simulated experiments that could be used in a class.


For additional information, check out this Wiki on open educational resources in Canada.

Open Course Resources

A number of universities and consortiums are now making course videos and even full courses available publicly online. While these are not available for credit, they can be a great way to get a different perspective on a topic if you are having difficulty understanding your course material.