Chemistry Librarian
Madeline Gerbig
Phone: (416) 978-3587
Book an appointment
A.D. Allen Chemistry Library
Room 480, Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories
80 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6
These databases are the key ones for searching for chemistry information. Scifinder and Reaxys allow searches not only using words but also by drawing a chemical structure or entering a molecular formula. Web of Science and Scopus cannot do the latter but they are more multidisciplinary for a broader topic search. Web of Science and Scopus also allow you to do citation searches (see who cited an interesting article) and can calculate an H-index for a topic or author. Science of Synthesis (SynOne) is a comprehensive overview of the literature of organic synthesis reactions.
University of Toronto Libraries
130 St. George St.,Toronto, ON, M5S 1A5
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