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Research Guides

INI102: Telling the Stories of the City: Writing Creative Non-Fiction

Topic Search

A topic search uses the full item record to figure out how that item is described by the library. You can then use that linked-description to find items on the same subject. 

First search by keyword:

LibrarySearch with keywords women and gaming.

Next choose the most relevant result and open the full record by clicking the title:

Search results highlighting the book Gaming Sexism.

Once you have opened the full record, scroll down to the "Details" section:

Details section of the full record.

There is a lot of information in this section, but the part you need is next to the heading "Subject":

Subject section of full record. 

Of the four subjects assigned to this book, "Women video gamers" is probably the closest to the topic of women and gaming. To view other items assigned the same subject, just click Women video gamers and a new set of search results will appear that are all assigned the same topic phrase.

List of results generated by the subject women video gamers.

Also look at the subjects assigned to the new results. You may find a related subject that fits even more closely with your topic. For instance, the book highlighted in the following image is described with the subject "Women video gamers", but also the subjects: 

Video games -- Social aspects -- Women
Computer games -- Social aspects -- Women
Video games industry -- Social aspects -- Women

Search results highlighting book called Feminism in play

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