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Research Guides

INI102: Telling the Stories of the City: Writing Creative Non-Fiction

Finding Newspaper articles in UofT LibrarySearch

Use the library homepage to search for newspaper articles. To find newspaper articles: 

  • Enter your keywords in the "Start your search" bar and hit enter.
  • Use the format filter to select "articles".
  • You can also also search for newspaper articles directly in the newspaper article search bar.


  • When you search from the homepage, newspaper articles will not automatically be included in the results. Select "newspaper search" under the format filters to see the newspaper article search results.

Canadian News Sources (Newspapers, TV, Web News)

News Databases

To search across many newspapers at once, try one of the databases below.

Filter your Search

Experiment using filters to narrow your search results. The filters are found on the left side of the results page (applicable for the databases and the news sources that appear in ProQuest Platform): 

  • Source Type: Newspapers (or explore Magazines, Scholarly Journals, Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites‎, Conference Papers and Proceedings)
  • Publication Date: search by a range of year, months or even specific dates 
  • Subject: Narrow your result by topic. Click on More to see the full list of subjects.
    • Important to note that not all news content is tagged with a subject label. 
  • Document Type: Click on more and view all the possible options - Front Page Cover Stories, Articles, Feature,  Letters to the Editor (from the public), Editorials (opinion pieces by the editor)
  • Publication Title
  • Language and more options (Location, Person's Name, Organization Name)

Individual News Sources (newspapers, media channels)

Click on the name of a newspaper or news media company below. You'll be brought to the paper's catalogue record. Click on one of the links under "Holdings" to search for articles online.

Search for Historical Newspaper Articles

Newspapers are an excellent research tool.  They provide users with current events, multiple perspectives, archival information, and in-depth regional/national coverage. 

Current news stories are easy to find on the internet. Finding older stories there can be more difficult. As well, some material is behind a paywall. Newspaper databases can get at the harder-to-access material.

(Story to the right from 1913)

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