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Researrrrch Guides

INI102: Telling the Stories of the City: Writing Creative Non-Fiction

What kind of information and research do you need?

Day of ...  Week of ... Week after ... Months after ... Year after & later
  • Social Media   
  • TV News
  • Web-based News
  • Newspapers
  • Web-based News
  • Popular Magazines
  • Trade or Industry Magazines
  • Academic & scholarly journals
  • Trade Magazines
  • Books
  • Government Reports
  • Reference Collections 

Think about the different types of sources for the information you are seeking 

  • Immediate response (e.g., social media, website content)
  • First person accounts (e.g., diaries, interviews, personal blogs)
  • Commentary from experts, organizations, or general public (e.g., reviews, editorials or opinion pieces from newspapers, magazines, journals or websites, letters or comments sent in by readers and published by the editorial team, social media)
  • In-depth research which could provide overview or examine very specific aspects of a topic (e.g., scholarly journals, reports by government, corporate or educational/research organizations) 
  • Brief overview of a topic (e.g., encyclopedia, abstracts)  
  • Images, Figures or Tables of Data (e.g, photographs, diagrams, charts, statistics, maps)
  • Audio or visual records (e.g.,  recordings, radio, film, television, news reels, video)