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MMPA 2024-12M Integrated Case Competition

A guide to company and industry research for MMPA 2024-12M students participating in the Integrated Case Competition


The workstation (PC) version of FactSet comes bundled with an Excel add-in. The add-in is NOT available for Mac or Chromebook or FactSet Web users.

The FactSet Excel add-in has templates that support financial modeling and analysis, including valuation. These templates allow you to model different inputs or scenarios and to refresh your model with 'live data' supplied by FactSet.  It is recommended that FactSet Workstation be launched for the templates to function; otherwise, the add-in by itself may not work as intended. 

*Please note that once a template has been saved outside of the add-in, the data will no longer update. 


If you have installed FactSet Workstation on your PC, or you are using an FLC Workstation, the Excel add-in should be automatically enabled. 

FactSet's ExcelAdd-in

If it does not appear, try trouble-shooting as follows:

1. Check Excel > Options > Add-ins and ensure all available FactSet add-ins are listed as 'Active Application Add-ins'.  if they are not, select the 'Go' button besides 'Excel Add-ins' to select and enable these.
2. Contact FactSet Support - international support numbers are found within FactSet, under Help (the ? icon) and then 'Contact Us'



FactSet Excel Templates

1. Click on the Template Library icon. A 'Template Library' dropdown will open. 
2. Click on Valuation to see the template options and select one to load.
3. Once the selected template has loaded, click on the FactSet tab to see options