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Research Guides

Canadian Studies


Canadian Statistics by Topic

From U of T's Map & Data Library. You can browse by topic, from Aboriginal to Women. If you don't find what you need, try typing a keyword in the Search box.

Statistics by Subject

From Statistics Canada. A browsable collection of key statistics on subjects ranging from Aboriginal Peoples to Travel & Tourism.


"CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) is the Statistics Canada's computerized database of time series covering a wide variety of social and economic aspects of Canadian life. The use of CANSIM @ CHASS is restricted to current faculty, staff, and students of subscribing universities."

Canadian Census Analyser

"The Canadian Census Analyser provides access to Canadian Census data. Included are profile tables for enumeration area level, census tract level, provincial and federal district, and individual, households and families microdata files. Postal code conversion data is also available."

Historical Statistics of Canada

A very useful book available in print at U of T Libraries or online from the Statistics Canada website. "This volume contains about 1,088 statistical tables on the social, economic and institutional conditions of Canada from the start of Confederation in 1867 to the mid-1970s. The tables are arranged in sections with an introduction explaining the content of each section, the principal sources of data for each table, and general explanatory notes regarding the statistics."

Canada Year Book

Published annually from 1867 to 2011, the Canada Year Book charted key trends and indicators in the nation's economy, population, society and environment. The books are available online from the Statistics Canada website or in print at U of T Libraries.


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