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Research Guides

Canadian Studies

Newspaper databases (full text)

1. Factiva

Factiva is a global news and business information service with strong Canadian content.  Includes many Canadian newspapers full-text, including the Globe and Mail (Nov. 14 1977 to present) and the Toronto Star (Jan. 1, 1986 to present) .

You can limit to Canadian publications by clicking "Sources... By region...Canada."

The focus is on newspapers, but it also includes some magazines, trade journals, media transcripts, photographs, business web sites, and newswires.

A limited number of users can access Factiva at one time. If you encounter a message indicating the maximum number of users has been reached, please try again later. Please ensure you logout of Factiva when finished by closing your browser.

2. Canadian Newsstand

A full-text collection of Canadian major dailies including the Globe and Mail, National Post, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Edmonton Journal, Vancouver Sun, etc. With some titles, coverage lags by one or two days.

3. CBCA Current Events

Indexes, and in many cases provides full text for, selected Canadian newspapers, including ethnic and religious newspapers, and news wires. To see the full list of publications, click on the "Publications Search" tab when you enter the database.

Historical newspapers

Links to more Canadian newspapers

Newspapers: Current and Historical

A research guide to the University of Toronto Libraries' large collection of current and historical newspapers. See especially this guide's "Canada" tab and its "Globe, Star, Post" tab.

Canadian News Online

Links to various Canadian newspaper web sites, gathered by Library and Archives Canada

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