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Gerstein Science Information Centre

MD Program (UME)

BMJ Best Practice

Screenshot of BMJ Best Practice homepage


BMJ Best Practice is a point of care tool, which takes you quickly to evidence with step by step guidance on prognosis, diagnosis, treatment. It also provides you with access to (1) Cochrane Clinical Answers and (2) Martindale, a global drug resource.

Follow these steps to download the app for free through the University of Toronto Libraries:

(1) Create an account in the browser.
(2) Download the app from your play store.

(3) Log into the app with your account info.


Screenshot of Dynamed's home page

DynaMed provides evidence-based, topic-level summaries. It allows for quick evidence integration, with contents accessible both online and offline.

Follow these steps to download the app for free through the University of Toronto Libraries:

(1) You will first need to create a personal account on DynaMed. You may also locate DynaMed from the Gerstein website under 'Clinical Tools'. 
(2) Click on the 'Profile' logo, then the 'Sign In' button in the top right corner of the page.

(3) If you have an existing account, sign in using your login details. If this is your first time using DynaMed, click on the 'Register Now' button and follow their instructions to create an account.
 Download the DynaMed App from your app store.
(5) Open the DynaMed App and click on the 'Sign In' Option.
(6) Sign in with your personal account.

Please refer to this technical support page for more information about app authentication, installation, and other technical requirements. For app tutorials, content, and features, please refer to this DynaMed Mobile App FAQ page.


Screenshot of UpToDate's home page

UpToDate provides topic-level summaries, with the largest topic coverage of all point-of-care tools. It is linked with the LexiComp drug interactions tool. UpToDate is accessible both online and offline. Please note that the University of Toronto Libraries subscription is limited to only students (undergraduate and graduate, including residents in PGME).

Follow these steps to download the app for free through the University of Toronto Libraries:

(1) Create an account in the browser version
(2) Download the app from your device's app store
Log into the app with your account information

Note: In order to maintain remote access to UpToDate, they need to know you are still affiliated with the University of Toronto. As such, every 90 days, UpToDate would require you to re-authenticate. Please log in to from the University of Toronto network to do so, or click here to find other ways to verify your affiliation.


VisualDX logo




This clinical reference tool provides a unique graphical interface to support diagnostic clinical decision-making and is primarily focused on skin diseases. To access the mobile app, follow the steps below: 

Step 1) Navigate to the Gerstein Library website homepage and locate the Clinical Tools section on the left-hand side of the page. Click on the link for VisualDx. Enter your UTORid when prompted.  

Step 2) Once the VisualDx website has loaded, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the circle with a cellphone icon and the label “Create A Personal Account”. 

Step 3) Fill out the registration form and click “Create Personal Account”.  

Step 4) You can now download the VisualDx app from the app store to your iOS and Android devices.

QR code to download VisualDX app for android               QR code to download VisualDX app for iOS   

Step 5) Launch the VisualDx app from your device and sign in using the VisualDx personal account username and password you just created. 

You can also access a web version of VisualDx through your browser

Available for: Android iOS 

Choosing Wisely

Image of Choosing Wisely logo

Choosing Wisely is a point of care tool meant to further discussion between patients and clinicians on what care, tests, or procedures are best supported by evidence. It is a free US-based tool that provides clinical recommendations, providing information that is accessible to both clinicians and patients.

Follow these steps to download the app for free:

(1) Access a web version of Choosing Wisely through a browser
(2) On your mobile device, download Choosing Wisely from the App Store or Google Play.

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