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BIOC70 An Introduction to Bias in the Sciences

This guide will help students in BIOC70 to find relevant resources for the Task Force Project or Briefing Document assignment, find supportive materials in library databases, create effective search strategies, and develop their topic.

What are Creative Commons Licenses?

Citing OER and CC Images

TASL approach

T - Title 

A - Author(s)

S - Source (link where you found the image)

L - License type (the Creative Commons license information)

Example Attributing an Image

8256206923 c77e85319e n.jpg

"Creative Commons 10th Birthday Celebration San Francisco" by Timothy Vollmer is licensed under CC BY 4.0

TASL Details:

Title? "Creative Commons 10th Birthday Celebration San Francisco"
Author? "Timothy Vollmer" - linked to his profile page
Source? "Creative Commons 10th Birthday Celebration San Francisco" - linked to original Flickr page
License? "CC BY 4.0" - linked to license deed

This work has been adapted from "Best practices for attribution" by CC Wiki which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Creative Common License Types

Creative Commons Licenses

Once an OER has been selected, the next step is to determine how it is licensed and what permissions you have. Please note that open licenses do not replace copyright. Instead, they change the default of "all rights reserved" to "some rights reserved", the terms of which can vary: 

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) is the most common open license. It grants the rights to use, adapt, and distribute the material as long as the author is attributed. 

Creative Commons Attribute ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) grants the rights to use, adapt, and distribute the material as long as the author is attributed and derivative versions use the same license. 

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) grants the right to use, adapt, and distribute non-commercially as long as the author is attributed and any derivative versions use the same license. 

Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs (CC BY-ND) allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged, with credit to the author.

A full list of the types of open licenses is on the Creative Commons webpage. 

Note that public domain dedications are not Creative Commons licenses; instead, these licenses wave all rights reserved by copyright to place the work in the public domain. Attribution is often appreciated but not necessary


Source: “How to attribute Creative Commons PhotosThis link opens in a new tab by Foter. Licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license This link opens in a new tab