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BIOC70 An Introduction to Bias in the Sciences

This guide will help students in BIOC70 to find relevant resources for the Task Force Project or Briefing Document assignment, find supportive materials in library databases, create effective search strategies, and develop their topic.


Use this website to begin your research.  Use the menu on the left-side of the screen to navigate this website.

Unconscious bias infographic

Becoming an Ally, Recognizing Unconscious Bias and Privilege #tlt18 keynote by @KoryWilson #viznotes by Guila Forsythe available under a CC-BY 2.0 license.

Learning Outcomes

Workshop 2

Research as Inquiry 

You will brainstorm your working research topic by identifying the who, what, where, and when of your topic so to determine some how/why questions and a scope of investigation.  

You will determine an appropriate scope of investigation by identifying your problem and a further focus of your topic. 

Workshop 1

Research as Inquiry

We will investigate discussions about bias in STEMM to synthesize ideas from various popular sources.  

You will in your groups take your discussions about bias in STEMM to determine a scope of investigation by identifying key concepts and a question or curiosity you have about this topic.  

Searching as Strategic Exploration 

You will utilize divergent thinking (e.g., brainstorming keywords) and discuss convergent thinking (e.g., selecting the best source) when searching. 

Icebreaker Workshop 2

Search Strategy Log

Question 1: Thinking about your collaborative assignment, finish the sentence. The bias in STEMM themes our group discussed are...

Research Key Resources

Communication Key Resources

Undergraduate Research & Creative Events & Prizes

The University of Toronto Scarborough is committed to fostering the undergraduate experience. As part of this commitment, the UTSC Office of the Vice-Principal Research and Innovation and the UTSC Library launched two successful initiatives in 2016 which continue to evolve and grow every year. 

Each initiative provides an opportunity for students who have excelled in research, scholarship and creative activities to showcase their work and win cash prizes.

More Information

UTSC Undergraduate Research & Creative Forum - Application deadline: February 25, 2025 12:00 PM ET (noon)

UTSC Undergraduate Research & Creative Prize - 2025 deadlines TBA

Patricia and Peter Shannon Wilson Undergraduate Research Prize - 2025 deadlines TBA

Have questions?

Check out the links above for details, contact your liaison librarian or join us for an in-person info session outside the library

  • January 9, 2025 10:00AM - 11:00AM
  • January 14, 2025 2:00PM - 3:00PM