Most complete and up-to-date; the 7,000 most frequently used words are highlighted. Contains a guide to correspondence with sample emails, text messages.
Covers over 90,000 words and phrases, and 120,000 translations of contemporary Italian and English based on findings from the Oxford Languages Tracker.
Covers over 90,000 words and phrases, and 120,000 translations of contemporary Italian and English based on findings from the Oxford Languages Tracker.
The new edition of the Modern Italian Grammar is an innovative reference guide with a strong emphasis on contemporary usage.
An innovative book of exercises and language tasks for all learners of Italian; includes role plays set in a range of different contexts.
A guide to Italian usage for students who have already acquired the basics and wish to extend their knowledge.
Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference.
A collection of essays on teaching Italian language, literature, and culture through theater.
Designed to teach the basic elements of the Italian language, this book is a breakthrough in the field of language studies.
Italy possesses one of the richest and most influential literatures of Europe, stretching back to the thirteenth century.
Italian literature from the Middle Ages to the present day, looking at themes and issues which have recurred throughout its history.
Contains some 600 entries on all aspects of Italian literary culture. It includes analytical essays on authors and works.
From the early thirteenth century to the present, takes a broad view of what constitutes literature, covering historical writing, travel writing, theatre, the novel, poetry, and critical theory.
Covers the theory of the novel in Italy, the historical novel, realism, modernism, postmodernism, neorealism, and film.
Comprehensive information on translations for those interested in comparative literature.
Lists English-language translations of 20th century Italian literature published between 1929 and 1997.
Lista all English-language translations of twentieth- and twenty-first-century Italian literature.
Italy possesses two literary canons, one in the Tuscan language and the other made up of the various dialects of its many regions.
Contains biographical, critical, and bibliographical profiles of 51 writers from the 14th century to the present day.
Looks at the work of three of the most significant women in late nineteenth century Italy.
This anthology serves as a literary map to guide readers through the varied geography of contemporary Italian fiction.
Offers a clear and concise explanation of why modern Italian grammar has become the way it is.
A selection of poems in the original Italian, with introductory material and notes in English.
Presents a lively, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and current approach to the period that extends from the turn of the fourteenth century through the sixteenth.
Beautifully illustrated overview guiding students through the complex history of the Renaissance.
The book focuses on the humanities, charting its roots in the Italian Renaissance and exploring its development up to the Enlightenment.
Produced by the Teaching Company.
30-minute lectures; released 2004.
Course of 36 lectures introduces the art of the Italian Renaissance.
Provides a panoramic view of fifteenth-century Florence in the words of the city's own citizens and visitors.
Genuinely interdisciplinary in character, treating traditional political, economic, and legal concerns, with a particular emphasis on neglected areas of popular culture.
Comprehensive account of the culture of modern Italy covering a wide range of political, historical and cultural questions.
Tracing Italian life and art through several themes - viewing and spectatorship, fantasy, passion, justice, reputation, and lifestyles - White offers new ways of perceiving an ancient cultural tradition in the twenty-first century.
Provides a comprehensive look at the political life of one of Europe's most exciting and turbulent democracies.
In 150 years Italy transformed itself from a poor country into one where living standards are among the highest in the world.
A fresh overall view and interpretation of the modern economic growth of one of the largest European countries.
The gold standard among English-language works on the Italian legal system.
Italy has been a model tourist destination for longer than it has been a modern state.
Combines an Italian culinary dictionary with a recipe inventory.
A complete history of pasta in Italy, telling its long story via the extravagant variety of shapes it takes.
A chronicle of the beloved base ingredient, from its origins, agricultural riches, and controversy to the passion, pride, and nostalgia it inspires today.
Analyzes the evolution of Italian viticulture and winemaking in the contexts of culture, economics, and the environment from the 1860 to today.
A complete reworking and update of Marga Cottino-Jones' popular A Student's Guide to Italian Film (1983, 1993).
Leading scholars consider the issues, films, and filmmakers that have given Italian cinema its enduring appeal.
Popular genre cinema in Italy during the 1950s and 1960s, focusing on melodrama, commedia all'italiana , peplum, horror and the spaghetti western.
Looks at mafia movies and television over time and across cultures, from the early classics to the Godfather trilogy and contemporary films.
In the course of the twentieth century, Italy succeeded in establishing itself as one of the world's preeminent fashion capitals.
A cultural history of early Italian industrialism, set against the political, social, and intellectual background of post-unification Italy.
Many immigrants arrived in the new world with only a vague sense of nationality. In Italy, their identity had been primarily connected with their villages. In Toronto, a more emphatic sense of Italian nationalism developed.
Questions about the built legacy of the fascist regime provoke polemics among architects and scholars.
Use the LibrarySearch Advanced search. Select "Italian" from the Language drop-down menu to retrieve books in Italian. You can further refine the search results by adding a keyword and via the limiters on the left side of your results list.
This also works for finding videos in Italian. To find videos, after performing a language specific search, you can further refine your results list by clicking "Videos & DVDs" under "Format".
The following are databases which would have citations and/or full-text for articles written in Italian or about Italian language or culture. Most of these are part of the ProQuest package.
Francis (Humanities & social sciences)
Academic content in Italian, English and other languages in subject areas such as religion, art history, philosophy, psychology, education, linguistics, archeology, information science, sociology and literature (with particular emphasis on current trends in European and world literature.)
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
A major index for social science and interdisciplinary scholarly research with a focus on anthropology, economics, politics and sociology. Includes some Italian content. Note that some titles will appear translated into English even though the full text is in Italian or another language.
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
The major index for the study of linguistics. LLBA also covers language behaviour and related disciplines in the language sciences. Includes content in Italian.
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Languages Association)
The major database for world literature, covering all areas of modern literatures, languages, folklore, and linguistics. Coverage includes literature from all over the world—Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. Includes content written in Italian.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
A citation index and subject database for arts and humanities that includes content in Italian and in the area of Italian Studies.
Historical Abstracts
A major database for world history from 1450 to the present. Includes Italian Studies content.
Database of Italian magazines published in the world since 2000. Content and interface are in Italian.
Is it peer-reviewed?
In Ulrich's Online Periodical Directory you can look up the title of any journal, to find out if the articles in that journal are peer-reviewed.