The following are databases which would have citations and/or full-text for articles written in German or about German language or culture.
Francis (Humanities & social sciences)
Academic content in German, English and other languages in subject areas such as religion, art history, philosophy, psychology, education, linguistics, archeology, information science, sociology and literature (with particular emphasis on current trends in European and world literature.)
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
A major index for social science and interdisciplinary scholarly research with a focus on anthropology, economics, politics and sociology. Includes some German content. Note that some titles will appear translated into English even though the full text is in German or another language.
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
The major index for the study of linguistics. LLBA also covers language behaviour and related disciplines in the language sciences. Includes content in German.
MLA International Bibliography (Modern Languages Association)
The major database for world literature, covering all areas of modern literatures, languages, folklore, and linguistics. Coverage includes literature from all over the world—Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. Includes content written in German.
Literature Criticism Online
This indexes a fair amount of articles about German literature.
MagillOnLiterature Plus
Includes a good number of articles about German literature and German authors.
Humanities Abstracts
Includes articles (in English) about German history and culture.
Is it peer-reviewed?
In Ulrich's Online Periodical Directory you can look up the title of any journal, to find out if the articles in that journal are peer-reviewed.