Gale Archives Unbound is a suite of collections, each devoted to a particular topic, from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. The collections include primary, unpublished historical documents and draw from institutional sources, governmental sources, and private collections. Search all of Archives Unbound or individual collections using the links below.
To search all of Gale or a collection select Advanced Search. To browse their collections, select the collections icon.
Enter search terms on separate lines e.g., enter title of film on the top line, director's last name below, to articulate your search request. Use Boolean Operators to improve your search:
Limit the scope of your search by only searching certain collections or by limiting the dates.
To filter the results, select one of the document types at the top or one of the other options on the right side of the page. If you want to filter by a collection, select revise search.
Save your source by selecting “Send to” or “Download”. Remember this does not save the citation information, so remember to save that as well.
To view the details needed for the citation, select “View Full Citation” on the left-hand side. You can also have gale auto-generate a citation by selecting “Cite” on the top, right. Remember that auto-generated citations are not always accurate, and it is your responsibility to check for accuracy.
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