In October 2024, the Internet Archive underwent a cyber attack and this impacted many open-access research collections, like Media History Digital Library, are back online typically used for CIN201 Assignment 1.
UPDATE: Below are options to access publications via platforms that are not dependent on Internet Archive for storage, but they can be more cumbersome to search. You now have access to Media History Digital Library (jump to section for trade publications) and Internet Archive (jump to trade / exhibitor manuals) which have better options for searching within the publications.
Be sure to read the MHDL tips on using advanced search - this info will significantly improve your searches.
Please get in touch with the Cinema Studies Librarian, Kate Johnson if you have questions.
Handbooks and Manuals for Assignment 1 (not using Internet Archive)
"A primary source is a document that was created at the time of the event or subject you've chosen to study, or by people who were observers of, or participants in that event or topic." ~ E.H. Brown “Writing about History” UofT Writing Advice
For this assignment be sure to search for materials created between the time limit for this assignment (1900-1910s).
Don't forget there are different types of content within newspapers and magazines
View or read the following tips for searching because MHDL requires different approaches than Google and UofT LibrarySearch
To access the Advanced Search page, select the "Advanced Search" box located under the search bar on the home page.
5) Access the Articles, Advertisments or Images - Internet Archive Interface Walkthrough
Your instructor has highlighted particular publications found within Media History Digital Library's the Early Cinema collection and flip through the pages of various publications to get ideas.
Your instructor has highlighted particular publications that are available via Internet Archive.
Please use the direct links below:
It's important that you record the information needed so someone else (e.g., your TAs) can find the information used in your assignment.
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