Knowing HOW to search is just as important as knowing WHERE to search. To get BETTER results FASTER from your research, please review this tip sheet from UBC's David Lam Management Library. |
SSRN is a repository of "early stage research" - working papers, pre-prints and conference proceedings. While not peer-reviewed per se, a significant percentage of the content found here is intended for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or other scholarly source. This source could also be considered grey literature.
Full-text may not be available in all instances. Try using the Library's e-journals or a Web search to find the paper in this instance. Optional free accounts are available.
Use these databases to find journal articles.
Most but not all of these articles will be from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.
Not sure if the journal is peer-reviewed? Use Ulrichsweb to check the peer review status of any journal.
Looking for articles from newspapers and other media sources? Use this page from the MUI @ UTM research guide to identify appropriate databases.
Citations to journal articles, books, reviews, and chapters in the fields of anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology.