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Research Guides

Film Genres

A collection of research guides for various film genres

Exploring the Film Noir Genre

The aim of this topics page is to introduce readings on the Film Noir discourse. The literature on Film Noir spans across periods, nations, subgenres, and disciplines. This guide is aiming to shed light on these different lenses from which scholars have examined Film Noir - National Cinemas, Gender and Race, Literary Influences, and Neo-Noir. Each section will include a curated list of scholarly literature to prompt research focus and applicable search tips to streamline your research process.

Many thanks to Brian Tin, CSI undergraduate student and Innis College Library Assistant, for crafting this list (Fall 2023). 

If you have more questions: 

Key Texts

Early Assessments

General Overview


Film Noir in National Cinemas

European Noir

East Asian Noir

National Cinemas

Other Topics in Film Noir + Search Tips

Noir Soundscape

Search Tips for Noir Soundscape

1. In UofT LibrarySearch bar (or research database), type in - "film noir" AND music

  • using AND, OR will combine search terms for more defined results

2. Browse the search results

  • Look for articles, book chapters, or books. 

3. Use the filters to narrow your search results or identify additional keywords.

  • filter through Format, Subjects, and Publication Date can help narrow down search results

Hard-boiled Fiction

Search Tips for Hard-boiled Fiction

1. In UofT LibrarySearch bar (or research database), type in - "film noir" AND hard boiled

  • Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine search terms. 
  • Hard-boiled fiction is associated with Film Noir the most

2. Search for works by specific authors e.g., "James M. Cain" 

3. Change the search field and search by the call number 

  1. Call number PS3505 AND ("hard boiled" OR "film noir")
  2. PS3505 .A3113 for novels by James M. Cain"

4. Use the filters to narrow your search results or identify additional keywords.

  • filter through Format, Subjects, and Publication Date can help narrow down search results
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