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Research Guides

Spiritual Care/Pastoral Counselling/Chaplaincy


Here is a list of Journals that you will find helpful for material on Spiritual Care, Pastoral Counselling, and Chaplaincy. They are all online, available through the UofT Library Catalogue.

You can search within a specific online journal – either by searching for topics across all available issues, or by browsing through years, volumes, issues. Here's how.


American Journal of Pastoral Counseling

The American Journal of Psychotherapy

Army Chaplaincy: Professional Bulletin of the Unit Ministry Team

British Journal of Psychiatry

Canadian Journal of Psychiatry

The Care Giver Journal

Chaplaincy Today

Community Mental Health Journal

Counseling and Values

Counseling et Spiritualité = Counselling and Spirituality

Health and Social Care Chaplaincy

International Journal for the Psychology of Religion

International Journal of Practical Theology

International Journal of Psychology

International Journal of Social Psychiatry

International Social Work

Journal of Clinical Psychology

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

Journal of Counseling and Development

Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development

Journal of Muslim Mental Health

Journal of Pastoral Care

Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling

Journal of Pastoral Counseling

Journal of Psychology and Christianity

Journal of Religion and Health

Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work

Journal of Religion, Disability & Health

Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging

Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care

Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health

Journal of Substance Use

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Mental Health, Religion & Culture

Military Chaplain's Review

Palliative & Supportive Care

Pastoral Psychology

Pastoral Sciences = Sciences Pastorales

Psychiatric Services


Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

Psychotherapy Research

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Social Work in Health Care

Social Work in Public Health

Spiritual Care (Berlin, Germany)

Spirituality in Clinical Practice

Substance Use & Misuse

Supportive Care in Cancer

Transcultural Psychiatry



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