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Research Guides

Library Reading List

A user's guide to the Library Reading List app in Quercus.

Search the Library Menu

Adding Readings:

Step 1: When adding citations, find them in the ‘Search the Library’ pane and add them to the appropriate section(s). Select the ‘+Add’ icon near the top left of the screen and ‘Search the Library’ from the drop-down menu.

Search Tool Bar

Step 2: Search for your course readings in the library search bar by title and/or by author.

Adding Readings

Step 3: The results of your search are listed in the search pane, and they indicate whether they are a physical, electronic book or a journal article.

Step 4:  In order to add a resource to the list click on the plus sign in the green circle and select the week for the reading.

The  Add &Edit  option allows you to include additional information about the reading including specific chapters and page numbers.

Adding a Book Chapter

Select ‘Book Chapter’ from the dropdown menu and enter the ‘Chapter Title’.

Under the tab ‘Item Actions’ you can enter any notes to students and under ‘Item Details’ you can enter the pages for the chapter. Ensure to select ‘Save’ after adding the additional information.

Step 4 Alternative

Step 4 (alternative): A second option for adding resources to the reading list is to drag and drop any item into the appropriate section(s).

Note: Electronic resources, such as articles and eBooks are available to students as soon as they are added to a Published list (status of Complete). Other citation types (physical book, specific chapters from a physical book requiring digitization, websites) will require additional processing by library staff and will have the status of ‘Library Processing’. To reduce processing times, choose electronic resources whenever possible.

Manual Entry

Step 5: You can upload files or add readings not found in the library catalogue through the ‘Manual Entry’ option. As this material will require additional processing by library staff please ensure the library does not already have access to this resource through the ‘Search the Library’ option.