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Research Guides

CRTD44 - Curating Historical Art

A guide that will guide you through the successful completion of CRTD44 - including resources and assignment support.

Using Google Scholar Off Campus

Using Google Scholar Off-Campus

If you are on campus, Google Scholar will automatically configure itself properly. You only need to follow the steps below if you are OFF-CAMPUS.

Configure Google Scholar to allow you free access to materials licensed by UofT when you are off-campus:

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Click Settings (menu at top of page)
  3. Click Library Links (menu at left of page)
  4. Type in University of Toronto, then hit enter to search
  5. Click the box University of Toronto Libraries - Get It! U of Toronto
  6. Click Save

Now you will be able to access materials that UofT has licensed.

How to use Google Scholar

Remember - You should never have to pay for articles that you find using Google Scholar. Follow the instructions in the box above in order to make sure you avoid pay walls.

Once you navigate to Google Scholar, select the Advanced Search from the menu in the upper left hand corner. This will give you more control over your search:

You can enter your key words and set certain limits on your searches (such as date) so that the articles you find are relevant to your research questions:

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