UT Collection of Manuscript Fragments
Website for Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.
PIMS special collections are listed here. Here is a sampling of some collections.
Catalogue of Manuscripts held in the Library’s “Joseph Pope Rare Book Room” (43 codices).
Catalogue of Incunabula in the PIMS Rare Book Room (38 incunables).
Checklist of Manuscripts on Microfilm. The Library’s materials in microform are kept in a special room called “J. Reginald O’Donnell Microfilm Collection.”
6000 slides from the PIMS manuscript collection are available for consultation on UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO INSTITUTIONAL TEACHING COLLECTION on JSTOR.
The Kelly Library Special Collections chiefly consist of archival, manuscript, and rare books collections.
All items in Special Collections are non-circulating and can only be used in the Special Collections Reading Room. The Reading Room is open Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m..
Flickr Site. Manscripts in John M. Kelly Library.
Special Collections. John M. Kelly Library.
Codices Vossiani Latini Online collection contains all 363 codices which form the world-famous Latin section of "Vossius" manuscript collection. The Codices Vossiani Latini contains a large number of early medieval manuscripts, including 76 Carolingian manuscripts dating before 900. Famous are the oldest sources of Lucretius' De natura rerum, of Cicero's philosophical world, and the earliest manuscripts of Plinius' Historia naturalis. The collection is accompanied by detailed information dram from K.A. de Meyier's catalogues of the codices, which providers researchers with essential information on the content, context, and physical appearance of each codex. Of interest to scholars in rare books and publishing, Medieval history, classics, and Latin. https://primarysources-brillonline-com.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/browse/vossiani-latini