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Research Guides

Research Impact & Researcher Identity


Google Scholar Profiles, powered by Google Scholar, is a free and simple way for authors to highlight and maintain their scholarly output. The author profile consists of various citation metrics and graphs, list of author’s publications, funding information (if applicable), etc. The specific citation metrics available on your profile can be found here

Google Scholar Profiles helps: 

  • Authors showcase their academic publications. 

  • Authors control the visibility of their profile within Google Scholar results. 

  • Make scholarly literature discoverable to a wide audience by compiling it within the Google Scholar platform. 

  • Connect listed works to full-text documents available in library records.

Creating and updating your profile

Anyone can create a Google Scholar profile so long as they have a Google account. 

Consult the Google Scholar Profiles support page for information on how to: 

  • Manage errors and corrections to your profile and associated articles 

Import and Export Options

Google Scholar uses automated software to identify bibliographic data of articles and their references. From this process, data is then indexed in Google Scholar and associated works are automatically added to your profile. You can choose to have your list of articles updated automatically, review the updates yourself, or to manually update your articles at any time. Instructions on managing articles in your profile can be found here

Content from your Google Scholar profile can be exported as a BibTeX, EndNote, RefMan, or CSV file. Details on how to export from your profile can be found here.  

Who can see my profile/ID

Your profile is private and visible only to you until and unless you make your profile public. To manage the visibility of your profile, see the Google Scholar Profiles section “Making your profile public”.