To search for deals associated with a specific company:
- Type in the company name in the top search box or command line
- Bloomberg will auto-suggest matches for your company; click to select the appropriate name
- A company-specific menu will appear
- Click on Company Overview > 18) M&A Buyer Intent Profile
- In the default Overview tab, you can filter the acquisition list that appears by region or by industry by clicking on the options presented
- Click on the horizontal Deal Distribution, Acquisition Criteria, or Advisors tabs for aggregate views of company deal activity
- Click on the 'All deals' option at the bottom of the list presented to see the full list of deals
- Click on an individual deal to see the full profile, including:
- Timeline (with charting that tracks price - right-click to export)
- Financing details
- Advisers
- Deal comps
- Trading comps
- Look for the red 'Definitions' tab to access definitions and help specific to Bloomberg's Mergers & Acquisitions function
To search for deals that meet certain criteria:
- Type 'MA <GO> ' in the top search box
- The Mergers & Acquisitions module or screen will appear
- A list of year-to-date deals will appear
- You can adjust the timeframe by using the menu besides 'Date Range' or restrict the list to just M&A deals; you can similarly change the geography from the default 'Global' option by using the pull-down 'Region' menu
- Create a simple filtered list of deals by clicking on a Deal Status, Region and/or Industry; the filters will appear in blue when selected
- Use the red 'Custom Search' button to generate a list of deals using more complex criteria, e.g.
- Deal size
- Premium
- Product segment
- Nature of bid
- Deal multiple
- You can click on 'Results' to view the results; if you need to edit what you generated, use the red 'Edit Search' button
- Click on the 'Deal Breakdown' tab for aggregate statistics about the deals generated from either a simple or advanced search; use the '+' button to see statistics based on various deal attributes