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VIC191Y: Artistic Creation & Public Issues

Research tools, resources, and strategies for the students enrolled in the course during the 2024–2025 academic year, taught by Professor Adam Sol.

Visual Arts

Digital Collections


A fully searchable resource providing more than one million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences with an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research.

The community-built collections comprise contributions from international museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists’ estates.


Artwork, books, medieval manuscripts, photographs, recordings, sheet music, and artifacts from museums, archives, and libraries located in the European Union. 

Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Online Collections

An existensive digitized collection of artwork, photographs, medieval manuscripts, book covers and illustrations. Search the platform by keyword or title, or browse by a specific type of publication under Genre (such as Drawings). 

Additional Digital Collections & Research Resources

University of Toronto Libraries

Other major research resources (reference sources and journal databases) in the field of visual arts are listed on the University of Toronto Libraries website.

Images and Visual Resource Collections

A comprehensive research guide to online collections, including both free and subscription-based visual archives, arranged by topic (advertising, art, photography, and many others), geographical settings, and historical time periods.

Reference Sources

Grove Art Online

Contains articles on all aspects of the visual arts including biographies of artists, collectors, dealers, writers, and scholars. Thousands of art images are included with the articles.


A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary ArtA Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art

Includes entries on all aspects of modern and contemporary art: movements, styles, techniques, artists, critics, dealers, schools, and galleries. There are biographical entries for artists worldwide from the beginning of the twentieth century through to today.



Oxford Companion to Western ArtOxford Companion to Western Art

Biographies of artists, historians, theorists, and patrons as well as entries on institutions, cities and museums, styles, movements, and art historical theory and methodology.



Oxford Bibliographies Online: Art History

bibliography is a list of the books of an author or publisher, or on a specific subject. Oxford Bibliographies, compiled by scholars and librarians, contain extensive lists of annotated titles on many topics within the study of art history. It is a great way to find authoritative sources on your topic.

Each subject contains an extensive introduction (which provides an overview of the topic) as well as a list of annotated titles of books, arranged by category.


The Oxford Companion to the PhotographThe Oxford Companion to the Photograph

This extensive book examines photography as a social and artistic practice. Contains entries on photographers and on others who have influenced photographic culture from the nineteenth century to the present.

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