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VIC191Y: Artistic Creation & Public Issues

Research tools, resources, and strategies for the students enrolled in the course during the 2024–2025 academic year, taught by Professor Adam Sol.

General Reference Sources

American National Biography Online
An extensive, continually updated biographical encyclopedia published by the Oxford University Press. It includes detailed entries on all writers, poets, and other artists associated with the Harlem Renaissance, including W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston HughesZora Neale Hurston, and many others.

Oxford Reference
An online library of reference books (such as encyclopedias an handbooks) published by the Oxford University Press. It contains helpful entries, accompanied by bibliographies, on the persons, places, and topics connected to the Harlem Renaissance.

Oxford Bibliographies: American Literature
Expertly selected and annotated lists of books, scholarly journal articles, and other sources, which are compiled by subject specialists and published online by the Oxford University Press. The bibliographies are associated with the names of specific poets and authors.

Artists associated with the Harlem Renaissance are listed under Late 19th Century–End of WWII (however, Jessie Fauset is erroneously classified under the early nineteenth century).

Twayne’s Authors Series
An online collection of books with biographies, literary criticism, interpretation, and critical importance of specific works and authors.


Reference Sources on Specific Topics

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